Sunday, November 28, 2010

Harry Potter and The deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

This is the latest instalment of the Harry Potter series. The film is a more dark than previous films and although this was anticipated I was still quite surprised (there’s a death in one of the first scenes). Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) has grown up a lot in this one and we start to see his true acting abilities. His co-stars Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, who play Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley respectively, are not left behind, they too have blossomed. The film itself is a very tense experience and because it comes in two instalments (this being the first) leaves a lot to be answered for. There are however a lot of good things about this film!
1. The acting was very believable (some scenes in a tent got very intense and were well played.
2. There are some great graphics (is it just me or has Voldemort got scarier EEEEEK)
3. Some but not all of the things that have been plaguing us are answered!! We finally figure out what’s up with Snape!!
4. If like me you've been watching since you were young then it’s nice to finally see them all grown up and kicking some magical ass!!
The film is a definite must see if you've been following them but if not I don’t think you would be able to catch up...sorry it’s too late for you non-followers to start now....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anchorman, Will Ferrel interview.


Anchorman is a film starring Will Ferrel. The movie is a comedy that make fun of the sexist and ass grabbing world that was 70's news anchoring. Watching the film gives you a great insight in Ferrel's own sense of humour with many of the scenes done on the spot and without scripts, the film is hilarious!!!
The best part about it is that the more you watch it the more jokes you see or understand and the funnier it becomes. True comedy genius!

In the film Will plays Ron Burgundy, the head of the news team. Will can do no wrong and say no wrong(unless somone writes something wrong on the teleprompter),he is the best news reader in San Diego.
When the news room is forced by the network to hire a woman Veronica Corningstone(Cristina Applegate)arrives and the men only newsroom crumbles. What follows is anarchy with Ron falling in love and not noticing that Veronica is out for his spot as head anchor..

The films humour is so immature and innapropriate that it works perfectly.. the film has a very recognisable cast including Steve Carell, Vince Vaughn, Jack Black and ben stiller. These people who are comedic actors themselves bring added quips and quotes to the movie such as 'i love lamp' and '60% of the time it works every time'.The film will have you laughing for hours afterwards and will leave you with stomach muscle pains! All in all i would say the film is 'outta sight my man'

The Film Critic